Harry Connelly
Senior Account Executive
Months without live sports can have a major impact on sport sponsorships and partnerships between the sponsor and the rightsholder. This indefinite timeout offers us an opportunity to take a step back and assess our client’s sponsorship partnerships. Take a look below of how we dive a little deeper.
To begin let’s look internally, at the target audience, broader marketing initiatives, brand objectives and key campaigns.From there, we can create a custom list of goals and KPI’s. These KPI’s set the foundation for all marketing campaigns and strategies.
Looking externally, we explore the competition or competitive landscape where the sponsor operates. We draw comparisons from their target audiences, objectives and activation strategies to get an idea of what the competition/market are doing. The potential areas of opportunity are noted for possible exploration later in the process.
Bringing it all together, we can utilise the brand’s internal and external factors to evaluate their current sponsorships/partnerships. Any opportunities may be adapted within the brand’s strategy to improve their overall sponsorship.
There is no question that there is need and want for live sports and events. Sponsorship continues to be one of the most impactful ways to connect with fans. The brands that take the time now to do the long-term strategic planning will be best positioned to see results when we come out on the other side.
If you would like to get involved or learn more about the sport sponsorship industry, then please get in touch with one of the team at clodagh@ripplemarketing.ieor harry@ripplemarketing.ie. Learn more about Ripple's sponsorship team.